23/09/22-London and Lessons From Tour!
The final morning of tour! Those words definitely didn’t feel real! With a relaxed day prepping for our final show, we made our way to Aces and Eights in London, for a celebratory, last show of the tour, gig! We’d asked our friend, and the amazingly talented, Claudia Kate, to join us for a songwriters circle style event. The gig was a perfect cozy setting to conclude a whirlwind few weeks and we had a wonderful audience joining us! With a celebratory drink in hand the realisation that I had one final train, and then I’d be home, sunk in! But whilst the days on the road have ended, the fun and the memories will stay for forever!

Here’s a few lessons that I thought I’d share with you that I’ve learnt on tour:
1: It’s all about who you tour with. Pretty self explanatory, but you’re going to be spending 24/7 with whoever you’re on the road with for an extended period of time so it needs to be someone you get along with. (Pick Lea G or someone similar!)
2: There is so much beauty in the world! Nature, kindness of strangers, the everyday little things (like double decker trains). It’s very easy to get caught up in routine and forget about the big wide world but travelling is always eye opening. The main takeaway I’ve got from this tour is that the world is full of amazing people and that human connection is a very powerful thing! We were shown so much kindness. People opening up their homes to us, providing food, a bed for the night, sharing stories and becoming friends, and all without asking for anything in return. This tour has left my heart feeling full to the brim.
3: The power of asking. None of this would have been possible without the simple question, can we play a show for you. It may have taken 100’s of emails, and many many hours, but ultimately all it took to plan the tour was asking a simple question. Never underestimate the power of asking the question that you want to ask. It can end in new adventure.
4: Important but perhaps overlooked… bring snacks 🙂
And with that I’m signing off this chapter of Life On The Road! But I can safely say it won’t be the last!